Coming Soon!
Coming Soon
We offer Retail Days at Growing Works Nursery!
Shop our retail sales and help Cultivate mental health!
We're thrilled to have the general public shop the Growing Works Nursery!
Hours: 10 AM - 2 PM
We are located at 1736 S. Lewis Rd Camarillo CA 93010 (Google Map)
Directions to the nursery: Exit the US 101 at Lewis Road; turn right at end of off ramp and right again to get on Lewis Road towards the ocean. Stay on Lewis road approximately 6 minutes, crossing over train tracks, Pleasant Valley Road and Cawelti Road. Casa Pacifica will be on your left followed by an empty field and then a driveway. We have two fairly open acres in front of our property with Canary Island Date Palms lining Lewis Road. Take the middle drive and park in the lot in front of the off-white metal warehouse. You should also see an old red wooden barn to the left of our warehouse. Please follow the sign to the left side of the warehouse.
For information about the program or to order plants contact
Jenn Rodriguez at (805) 586-9900 | Fax (805) 702-2777
Email: GrowingWorksSales@TurningPointFoundation.org
Email us for Wholesale Availability!
How can you become a Growing Works member? To participate in the
program you must be receiving services from VCBH. Contact Jenn Rodriguez
at 805-586-9900 to complete paperwork and set up a tour. We are open
to participants Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm, except Fridays which
are 9am to 12pm.
If interested in volunteering at Growing Works please
CLICK HERE to fill out application.